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We then head into the kitchen with Antoni, the “food expert”, who wants to teach Yoko-san how to make “something simple to make”Īntoni brings Yoko-san to a bakery to teach her how to make an apple pie. In the next scene, Tan, the “fashion expert”, invites Kiko to help Yoko-san with her wardrobe. But as most Japanese people do, in the episode, Yoko-san politely smiles and laughs it off. In addressing this issue without the context it needs, the Fab 5 aims to help Japanese people with cultural ignorance. It is incredibly crass and disrespectful to talk about sex in public. In addition, Japan and most of Asia are reserved around sexual proclivities.

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For many Japanese people, it’s not that sex is not a priority they are over-worked and extremely exhausted, focusing on everyone else. Sex often falls to the bottom of the priority list for a family-first, work-first, community-first Japanese culture.

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There is a growing sexless culture in Japan for married and unmarried people, and it is perilous watching Queer Eye present this without any context behind what is driving this behavior. In their description of Yoko-san, they repeatedly talk about her sexless life throughout the episode, pointing out that she has not gone on a date in years.

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In the first episode, the Fab 5 help Yoko-san, an older Japanese woman who has become less focused on herself to provide hospice care for her community.

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